Jun 18Liked by Andrew Knapp

Andrew I'm proud of you on your journey!! Like the poem says - take your time reaching Ithaca...

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❤️ thanks dad. my favourite newsletter subscriber

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Jun 19Liked by Andrew Knapp

Sharing your journey helps others understand that we have to look inward and outlook/perception is key. Thank you 🙏🏼. I’m glad I clicked on this link. I needed this today.

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Jun 18Liked by Andrew Knapp

I walked into a gym for the first time in my life at the age of 72. I was terrified that they would look at me and tell me to take my fat old body someplace else. Of course, they didn't do that. They welcomed me in and helped me find a trainer. It was the best move I've made in the last 10 years. I understand your finding work outs that make you feel wonderful even if at the beginning you think they are awful. After I had been with my first trainer almost three years, I moved from out in the country into town. I joined a new gym and found a new trainer. I was able to stick it our for about 6 months but had to move on. My new trainer was a very nice young man but there were all sorts of issues. He didn't have a plan for me, he didn't spend any time evaluating what I could do so he could make a plan for me. He was great at watching me work out without doing much of anything else. I still belong to that gym but I've fired that trainer and found a new one. Sometimes it takes a few missteps before we find the correct path. It sounds like you have, whether it's hiking the Pacific Coast Trail or not.

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Sounds like you keep taking action steps - absolutely key! Amazing, Penny. When I walk into my little community gym and I see people of all ages and walks of life, I know that each of them made the difficult decision to place themselves in that gym and do the work. Some of them are there almost every day and it’s nothing short of amazing.

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Your journey reminds me of a favorite poem of mine:


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Oof. Feel this. Thanks for sharing ❤️

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Jun 18Liked by Andrew Knapp

I forward your writings to my daughter in Houston, TX, and she enjoys them as much as I do. We have both noticed how your writings have become so much more insightful and hopeful, and that you are getting to know and understand yourself. Preparing for that hike reminded me of how exciting it is to plan for a trip, anywhere, with good intentions when starting out, but for some reason(s) gets sidelined. The planning is wonderful! Looking forward to your next revelation!

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Thank you so much Carol - I appreciate this more than you know

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Thank you for this meditation on goals and journeys. It was something I didn’t know I needed.

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Well done. Set a date and you'll make the another. At least you'll be more physically and mentally ready.

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You give me hope for my own damn self. Thank you for sharing, sir.

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Jun 20Liked by Andrew Knapp

Beautiful, Andrew … I appreciate being able to witness your journey ❤️

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Just got here from instagram. I’ve been following your work for a few years now and I just have to say: you have a way with words that I think helps people articulate their own feelings. The love you have for your dogs, the grief of Momo, and your own journey with depression and self-doubt-it’s all very relatable.

I’m also in a place where I need to change habits/my perspective. I’ll be 37 in November and every year I think “this isn’t going to get easier to change the older I get” so it really helps to see people making radical changes who aren’t, like, 25. (No offense to 25 year-olds-haha)

Anyway. As always, love reading your stuff and appreciate your perspective.

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Just to clarify: What shakes us (re)shapes us?

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